First Name
Last Name
Choose as many as apply.
Please list the styles of dance that you feel comfortable teaching.
Hip Hop
Jazz Skills
Hip Hop Tricks
Choosing Work Hours
We are in the process of building our 2024-2025 schedule. Please check the boxes that best fit the times you are available to teach at the studio. (We are closed on Mondays)
Sunday 5-6 pm
Sunday 6-7 pm
Sunday 7-8 pm
Sunday 8-9 pm
Tuesday 5-6 pm
Tuesday 6-7 pm
Tuesday 7-8 pm
Wednesday 5-6 pm
Wednesday 6-7 pm
Wednesday 7-8 pm
Wednesday 8-9 pm
Thursday 5-6 pm
Thursday 6-7 pm
Thursday 7-8 pm
Thursday 8-9 pm
Fridays (Parent Night Out) 6-9 pm
Friday 5-6 pm
Friday 6-7 pm
Friday 7-8 pm
Saturday 10-11 am
Saturday 11am -12 pm
Saturday 12 pm- 1 pm
Are you CPR certified
Please choose Yes or No
In the box provided, please list 3 adjectives to describe yourself.
Are you interested in doing competition choreography?
If so, what would like to choreograph?
Check all that apply
Small Group (9 or less dancers)
Large Group (10 or more dancers)
I am not interested at this time.
Are you interested in teaching private lessons?
What is your personal teaching philosophy?
Another mission is to promote community! How does a dance instructor promote community in the studio?
Please list the name of a dance instructor who inspired you and tell me which qualities you admired in that person.
No one likes getting tough feedback from the boss, but it’s often necessary to grow and develop on the job. Can you tell me about a time you received tough feedback from a boss or supervisor and how you dealt with that.
Which qualities do you admire about yourself as an instructor?
What would your best friend or good friend tell me about you?
What is your favorite style of dance and why?
A student has missed the maximum number of classes before the recital. The rule states that if the child misses 6 classes, the child cannot perform. What is the solution to this issue?
I have taken great attendance and the rule was made clear. The office has to call the parents and let them know the child is not able to perform.
I would ask the parent if the child can do a private lesson. I want every child to participate.
I will let the director handle it.
I will give the child one more chance and if a 7th class is missed, the child cannot perform.
The class rule states that student participants must wear a leotard, a pair of tights, and shoes for your class. After a student doesn't follow the dress code for several weeks in a row, he/she tells you that his/her family cannot afford to purchase the items. What is the resolution to this issue?
During your class, the ballet barre comes apart and the bluetooth is not working. How do you problem solve?
You notice that a child lacks confidence because of her weight. The child is a wonderful dancer. Which steps do you feel you could take as an instructor to help the child develop confidence.
Why would you like to be a staff member at Volume Performance Center?
What about our company stands out to you.
If chosen for staff, would you be willing to sign a 10 month contract stating that you will commit to teaching the assigned schedule of classes?
Working at the studio is a part time position and pays an hourly rate. What is your hourly rate?
Please list below.