Please take a second to fill out this questionnaire so we can learn more about your dancer. All of the information listed below will be updated in your child’s account. Please list your dancer's first and last name. * First Name Last Name Please list your dancer's CURRENT age. * Please list your dancer's current grade level. * How many years has your dancer been at Volume? * Which school does your dancer currently attend? * Does your dancer have allergies that we should be aware of? If so, please list. Please be very specific. Does your dancer have an ongoing medical condition or a physical injury we should know about? If so, please list below and if they have received medical treatment for it. * Father or Male Guardian's (1) Name and (2) Phone Number * If none type N/A Mother or Female Guardian's (1) Name and (2) Phone Number * If none type N/A What is your family's current address? * Please list an emergency contact's NAME AND PHONE NUMBER that is NOT in your immediate household. * We need someone who will be responsible for your child if we cannot contact you. Please include their name and phone number. Is your child participating in a sport or activity that may conflict with competition company? If so, please list below. If your child has no conflicts, type N/A. * If you list yes, please be sure to listen to the information about absences and be prepared to send a copy of your child's sports/activity schedule via email. Specialty Information * Students who have been on a competition DANCE company (here or elsewhere) are eligible to participate in a specialty routine. The specialty will not be chosen for you. Does your child plan to commit to a specialty routine this season? If so, please click all that apply and all that they will sign up for and commit to. Specialty routines require additional choreography, costume, and competition registration fees so please factor the cost before signing up. If your child plans to sign up for multiple solos, duets, and trios, click both options in each category. If your child is a first year competition student, they are no eligible for specialties so please mark the appropriate option. This is my daughter's first season and she is not eligible for a specialty. Solo #1 Solo #2 Duet #1 Duet #2 Trio #1 Trio #2 HEAT Dance Convention is an OPTIONAL convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Do you plan to register your child for HEAT Atlanta * This option is for Petites, Juniors, and Teens. Minis are too young. Minis should mark 'No" Yes No Thanks for the message! You will receive a copy of your form.