2024-2025 Debutante Cotillion Digital Waivers TODAY'S DATE * MM DD YYYY NAME * First Name Last Name In what capacity are you affiliated with the debutante cotillion? I am a debutante. I am a mother I am an escort. I am a committee member. I am a father/father figure. Assumption of risks/Medical Emergencies/On-site waiver * Please read the following information and click the boxes below. I, the parent, guardian, or participant, represent that the minor, or myself, is physically able to safely participate in cardiovascular activity. I, the parent, guardian, or participant, agree to assume all risks associated with the minor's participation in dance classes, workout classes, etc.. on the above listed dates. I, the parent or guardian, agree to assume all risks associated with my own participation in dance classes, workout classes, etc.. on the above listed dates as well. In consideration, of receiving instruction at Volume Performance Center, I, the parent, guardian, or participant agree to assume all risks associated with myself or the minor's participation in dance classes, workout classes, etc.. on the above listed dates. I, the parent, guardian, or participant, hereby waive, release, discharge all present and future claims and inabilities of any kind, whether bodily injury, property damage, or other loss arising out of my participation in dance and related activities. I, the parent, guardian, or participant, will inform Volume Performance Center of any medical issues prior to the first day of class. I authorize the employees of Volume Performance Center to to call an ambulance in case of emergency. I, the parent, guardian, or participant, hereby release Volume Performance Center and its staff and volunteers from any liability occurring on or around the premises, or at any function held at other locations. This includes the stairs, dance rooms (studios V, O, and L), the upstairs entry way, and bathrooms. Thank you!